Friday, February 29, 2008

The Power of the Mainstream Media

The television has been the most influential modern invention. Mine is on right now. I'm not watching it, but it's on. As television is pumped into every home in America, it has a tremendous influence on the way people think. You will shape your perceptions based on what you see on television. It's changed the way Americans think about sex, family, feminism, environmental issues, religion, and many other subjects. As the election nears, I want you to be mindful of how television can change your perceptions.

During the 1964 election, it became obvious that the media had tremendous influence on how people thought. Barry Goldwater was the Republican candidate. He is largely credited for bringing back conservative ideals to the party - low taxes, small government, reformed welfare, and strong national defense. Until him, the moderate-liberal Republicans had control of the party and the liberals had unilateral control of the media. Goldwater made it very clear that he would provide a strong military presence during a time when we were faced with nuclear war with the Soviets. He even joked that he would like to "lob one into the men's room at the Kremlin," meaning he would like to nuke Moscow.

Johnson used Goldwater's off-the-cuff remarks to label him as a racist and an extremist who would get us all killed. With the media completely controlled by the liberal establishment, this view of Goldwater was pumped into every home that had a television. On September 1, 1964, the Democrats ran this ad:

This ad was quickly pulled because it was too controversial, but the damage to Goldwater was done. The media kept playing the ad, and Goldwater was destroyed in the election. Johnson then escalated the Vietnam conflict without providing the necessary force to win. His waffling cost American lives, our reputation, our national dignity, and ultimately, South Vietnam fell to Communism.

Goldwater's philosophy continued to gain credibility until it was realized in an actor from California named Ronald Reagan. Reagan went on to build up our national defense, cut taxes to boost a sinking economy, and his policies led to the liberation of Eastern Europe and the fall of the Soviet empire. Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century, and perhaps, all of American history.

I don't care if you are a Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal. When this November rolls around, do not allow the media to change your perceptions. You will see a lot of ads. You will see a lot of campaigning. The media has built up John McCain, only to trash him when he became the clear Republican candidate. The media has had fun with this back-and-forth between Clinton and Obama.

I'm writing this article in February because the election process has begun already. Do your homework. Read the issues. Find out where you stand. Find out which candidate most closely represents your standing on the issues. Then vote for that candidate. If you don't know who you're voting for, stay home. You're not doing your country any good by pulling a lever like a monkey.

Now, sit back and enjoy the show.

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